Will building services be adequate?
CTRR advice to help protect a tenant

While many tenants need some "after hours HVAC", this tenant conducts business 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  The need for overtime HVAC is substantial.

   The landlord's draft lease is very general, stating that the landlord would provide afterhours HVAC if the tenant made a request early enough in the day.  The lease nowhere specifies what service, that is what temperature, what volume of air flow, would be provided.  The landlord's draft lease said only that the landlord would make "reasonable efforts" to provide the tenant with afterhours HVAC.  The landlord proposes to bill the tenant based on estimates of its actual costs, plus a 10% markup.

     CTRR's advice: get specific protections for price, performance and availability of HVAC service.  CTRR's proposed changes were accepted.